Get Genuine Windows Agreement (GGWA) officers in CSP program







Coming in December: Get Genuine Windows Agreement (GGWA) offers in the CSP program


November 17, 2021 – Microsoft confidential. Do not distribute externally.


Get Genuine Windows Agreement (GGWA) offers will be available in the CSP program from December 1, 2021.


Announcement Detail


GGWA legalization solutions assist customers in converting non-genuine Windows operating systems to legitimate versions and remaining compliant while encouraging the purchase of genuine Windows preinstalled PCs in the future. The goal of GGWA is strictly to help a customer resolve a mis-licensing situation. The GGWA solution will be available from December 1, 2021 for small and medium-sized organizations through partners in the CSP program.


GGWA 合法化解決方案可協助客戶將非正版 Windows 作業系統轉換為合法版本並保持合規,同時鼓勵將來購買正版 Windows 預裝 PC。GGWA 的目標是嚴格説明客戶解決許可錯誤的情況。GGWA 解決方案將於 2021 年 12 月 1 日起通過 CSP 計畫中的合作夥伴為中小型組織提供。


Customers can acquire GGWA licenses for the full version of the Windows desktop operating system for devices that require proper Windows licenses. Because GGWA licenses are full licenses for Windows, they don't have a qualifying operating system (QOS) requirement.


客戶可以為需要適當 Windows 許可證的設備購買 Windows 桌面作業系統的完整版本的 GGWA 許可證。由於 GGWA 許可證是 Windows 的完整許可證,因此它們沒有符合操作系統 (QOS) 的要求。


GGWA licenses are available only as a one-time purchase, where all units must be placed under a single order. GGWA licenses cannot be assigned to devices without a QOS, if such devices are obtained after the customer's order.


GGWA 許可證僅作為一次性購買提供,所有單位必須置於單個訂單下。如果此類設備是在客戶訂購後獲得的,則 GGWA 許可證不能分配給沒有 QOS 的設備。